How To Get a Waistline Fast? I'll Tell You Today, Just Learn These 4 Moves

Summer is here and more and more people are showing off their great bodies, showing off their abs and waistlines. Let me tell you these four moves today. I believe that after a summer of daily practice, you will also have the same type of waistline and a great body that everyone envies!

One, sit-ups

The first basic posture, we lie on the ground, then bend the knees, feet on the ground, need another person to help us fix the feet, hands on the back of the head, can also be placed on both sides of the ears, and then let the abdominal force, make sitting up the movement.

It is not correct to do this by lifting the waist and then sitting up, as this will use inertia to get our body up and will make the exercise less effective.

Two, sitting body turn

This movement is familiar to all of us. First of all, it is a movement that can be done at home, and it requires very few environmental conditions, and can even be done in bed. Then rely on your abs to rotate your body, while your arms also rotate with your body doing this movement, make sure to make the rotation of your body, as big as possible, but be careful not to twist your back and to make the movement standard.

Three, flat support

Flat support this action, i believe we are not unfamiliar with this action as a net red sports, but also once in the network set off a period of punch card craze, but the results of this movement should not be underestimated, first of all, the basic posture is that we have to use the arms and toes to support the body, so that the body always remain in a straight line, this action we are prone to problems is collapsed waist and buttocks these two actions will cause injury to the waist joint this action will also make the movement more strenuous, the time to adhere to this action is also the effect of the movement, the key we can slowly increase, from time to time to increase the effect of exercise, the first day can adhere to half a minute, while the rest time must also be sufficient to allow themselves to recover to the very beginning of the physical strength, and then the next exercise.

Four, open and close jump

The basic position is to stand with our hands and feet apart, about shoulder width or a little wider, and then raise your hands sideways with your palms up, then jump up at the same time, land with your feet together, and high five your hands above your head, and then jump back to the original action, this action requires more cooperation between hands and feet, first of all, the hands and feet must be together at the same time this movement requires a lot of cooperation between the hands and feet, first of all, the hands and feet must be together and apart at the same time, in addition to the breathing also need to cooperate with the action, jump up in the process of breathing in, landing in the process of breathing out, this will make the body effective balance, not easy to bypass and short of breath and other problems occur.

The practice of abs is often not a short time to succeed, we must practice more, in fact, many movements in life need abs to complete, and even some movements can be exercised in bed, we can set aside ten minutes every day before bed to complete some simple and basic movements, i believe that after a holiday, your abs will also have obvious results!a