Kayla Hastings, a 90-Year-Old Online Fitness Trainer From Australia

Nowadays, as the public is paying more and more attention to the external body, the fitness industry has emerged. Especially some fitness bloggers and experts who share their experiences and methods online and actively interact with their fans are sometimes more influential than the trainers in the gym!

For example, kayla itsines, a 90-year-old online fitness trainer from australia, is one of the best!

The most popular is her "Bikini body guide", or bbg for short - no need to spend all day in the gym or eat bland, tasteless boiled food. By following kayla's app, choosing to work out at home or at the gym for 28 minutes a day, and following the diet guide, you can easily get the perfect bikini body!

As we all know, "Keep your mouth shut and your legs open" Is the golden rule to get a good body! However, modern people are busy and live a fast-paced life, so it's not practical to spend a lot of time going to the gym, and they often give up within a few days.


The bbg program is so successful because it covers cardio and strength 2 training modes and focuses on improving the efficiency of the workout while shortening the duration. Stick to 28 minutes a day, over time let exercise into your life and become a habit. Many fans have also been praised after trying it, and even showed before and after photos of the amazing results!

But is this a hype, self-aggrandizing, or is it really effective? The following american girl named Farrah Penn spent six weeks trying this "Miraculous" Bbg program herself; and recorded the whole process in detail. Here we take a look at it!



Like most young ladies, farrah is also interested in body management and fat loss, and has always wanted to be able to change into swimwear and bikinis with confidence in the summer.

However, her busy schedule, lack of exercise, and love of heavy foods often make her body edematous. Although she doesn't look fat overall, her tummy is always bulging and her lines are not very tight, so she will be exposed in a bikini!

When she first heard about the bbg program, farrah was both curious and skeptical. With only 28 minutes of exercise a day and no need to go to the gym, would it really work?

She downloaded the app and set herself a goal of sticking to it for 6 weeks. Then, she went to the supermarket to purchase the necessary ingredients and prepared a yoga mat, foam roller, chair, small dumbbells with suitable weights, and a water bottle for her home workout.


Week 1

It's hard to get started. After the first day of leg strength training, farrah's muscles were so sore on the second day that it was difficult to walk and sit up after not exercising regularly and not warming up enough.

So instead of continuing with her strength training as planned, she switched to cardio and went hiking!

At the same time, diet control was challenging throughout week 1! Farrah, who usually eats carbohydrate-rich, oily and salty food from restaurants, began to learn how to cook her own meals according to the app's recommendations, preparing light and balanced meals.

At the same time, healthy snacks such as bananas, yogurt and almonds are used instead of potato chips and cookies.


Week 2

The second week of training was not much easier than the first week. For farrah, she was still sore and tired, but she grew accustomed to, and loved, the sweaty, drenched feeling she got after her workout!

At the same time, farrah's hunger gradually increased. In terms of regular meals, she was still able to follow the recommendations in the app and eat lightly and nutritiously. But sometimes i can't help but eat a few bites of potato chips and cookies.

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Week 3

In week 3, even though farrah's outward physical changes were not obvious; however, her resistance to exercise and fitness was gradually dissipating.

No more procrastination, she went straight home after work, did her workout and finally showered and finished with aplomb! Even though she sometimes wanted to be lazy in the middle of the session, she stuck with it thinking it would take less than half an hour.

In terms of diet, farrah started to prepare meals in advance and found healthy snacks that she liked. Except for the salty cheese, which she sometimes misses, she feels that eating healthy is not painful, but rather enjoyable!


Week 4

In week 4, it's christmas time. With family reunions and all kinds of food on the table, it's a challenging week for farrah!

While indulging and enjoying the food, farrah continued to exercise. She can't help but wonder about the advantages of the bbg workout program, which is not limited by equipment or space. Even a lazy person like her can get moving during the holiday season!


Week 5

By week 5, farrah was surprised to find that her fitness had improved significantly. In week 1, she was out of breath for 10 "Mountain climbers"; now she can do 25 with ease!

Bobbi jumping is also smooth and easy to do!

At the same time, regular exercise and a light, low-salt, naturally balanced diet have helped farrah's edema improve and her muscles become more defined!


Week 6

By week 6, exercising half an hour a day and eating a healthy diet had become farrah's routine. She was no longer lying on her phone at the end of the day, and she was no longer craving take-out, processed food...

At the end of the 6 weeks, she couldn't wait to take pictures and compare. Looking at the 1st week when she first started the bbg program, and the person she is today. In just 6 weeks, you can already see such a significant overall body change!

Especially the waist, stomach and arm area are tighter and more shapely, and you can even see the vest line!

It's not just the external body that has changed, but also the 30 minutes of exercise and relaxation after a busy day at work has made farrah feel more positive!

Even after 6 weeks, farrah has maintained her regular exercise and diet habits, and as expected, she has a tight, sexy and attractive "Bikini body"!

The newest and most popular of all, farrah's body has been a great success.

In fact, the key to fat loss and body improvement is to develop and establish good habits one step at a time, so that regular exercise and a balanced diet are really integrated into life. On the contrary, if you blindly pursue immediate "Good" Results, the use of unreasonable, not suitable for their own way, such as up on a crazy diet, a lot of exercise, and ultimately will only end in failure!